Mike's JavaScript and AJAX

Processing HTML Form - Text Entered

Text Area 1:
Please enter some text into this box!!!!
Text Area 2:
Everything they type into Text Area 1 is copied into this Text Area.
This Text Area is READONLY!
Text Area 3:
Only the NUMBERS they type into Text Area 1 are copied into this Text Area.
This Text Area is READONLY!
Text Area 4:
Only the ALPHA characters they type into Text Area 1 are copied into this Text Area.
This Text Area is READONLY!
Text Area 5:
Only the non alpha-numeric characters like (&><,;./?:"'[]{}\|!@#$%^*_-+=)
which they type into Text Area 1 are copied into this Text Area.
This Text Area is READONLY!

Text Area 6:

Stuff they PASTE into Text Area 1 is NOT copied into the other areas.
The onKeyPress="function();" doesn't catch pasted stuff
