Please enter some text into this box!!!!
Everything they type into Text Area 1 is copied into this Text Area. This Text Area is READONLY!
Only the NUMBERS they type into Text Area 1 are copied into this Text Area. This Text Area is READONLY!
Only the ALPHA characters they type into Text Area 1 are copied into this Text Area. This Text Area is READONLY!
Only the non alpha-numeric characters like (&><,;./?:"'[]{}\|!@#$%^*_-+=) which they type into Text Area 1 are copied into this Text Area. This Text Area is READONLY!
onchange="" only gives you control when you enter text and then move the cursor off of this field or textarea. You can use the TAB key or the mouse to leave this area
Stuff they PASTE into Text Area 1 is NOT copied into the other areas. The onKeyPress="function();" doesn't catch pasted stuff